HomeMake It HappenTime Management & ProcrastinationHow To Find A Calm Balance And Reduce Chaos

How To Find A Calm Balance And Reduce Chaos


Welcome to July’s post, this month is considered a slow month. We’ve all been guilty of falling behind and losing track of our goals; so finding the right balance is key to turning chaos into calm. So, take some time to get refreshed and get back on track. 

Modern living is incredibly hectic. We’re constantly running from one place to another, not sure about what we’re supposed to do most of the time.

This way of living leads to high levels of stress and anxiety. You’re bound to feel like life is nothing but chaos and disarray – and yet, it doesn’t have to be that way!

Fortunately, there’s something you can do to live away from chaos. It has nothing to do with the number of things you have to do; it’s all about how you manage your time.

If you follow these simple tips, you can turn things around, finding peace and the right balance in life and work.

  1. Allow yourself to breathe

Breathing is of extreme importance in your life. You might think this is obvious – but it’s not about breathing itself (that you already do), but how you breathe (you might be doing it wrong!).

How you breathe dictates how you feel.

Try it yourself right now: take a deep breath and feel your belly with air. Sense how tense you are and how tensions leave your body as you take another deep breath. You need to learn how to do this whenever chaos creeps into your life.

Take professional fighters, for example, they take deep breaths between rounds; even if they know they are about to get punched in the face and pumped full of adrenaline, they are calm amidst complete chaos. 

  1. Concentrate on productivity

You probably have a phone, a computer, a TV, and many more things right next to you. In a world filled with instant gratification, you’re bound to get distracted.

The more distracted you get, the less you will accomplish, and the more anxiety you’ll feel – that’s when chaos suddenly appears.

That’s why you have to kill the noise surrounding you. Turn off the TV, put the phone on airplane mode, and use the computer for work-related stuff only, at least until you clock out. When it’s time to work, you get to work!

  1. Prioritize

Do you know how to juggle? Everyone can juggle two apples at once. Three apples at once might be hard but doable. 

Try it with four or five and you will drop everything on the ground, eventually. We’re not talking about apples here, it’s about your daily tasks.

You need to stop trying to juggle and prioritize! Take care of one thing and move onto the next one. If you try to do five things at once you’ll end up doing nothing at all.

Before starting your day, sit down and make a to-do list. Each time you finish with something, cross it off the list.

Not only you’ll keep track of things, but the sense of progress will motivate you to keep going. 

  1. Ask for help

Sometimes, no matter how organized you’re, you will be overwhelmed. Fortunately, there’s a way to handle this. 

You simply have to ask for help – but you must ask someone you trust. Otherwise, it’s pointless.

Asking for help is both easy and hard. 

It goes like this: Step one; you ask for help (easy). Step two, you forget about the issue (hard).

If you can’t follow through with step two, it means you don’t trust whoever is trying to help you. 

Eventually, you’ll take over and do it yourself – you’re back to square one.

By delegating properly, you’ll be able to concentrate on the important stuff. 

This will automatically lighten your burden, allowing you to lead a more relaxed life.


Remember: chaos is not normal. You can take control of your life right away!

All you have to do is take a deep breath, focus on productivity by shutting down the noise, and get your priorities in order. If things get hard, ask for help – but only to those who you can trust.

These 4 keys will open the door to calm. 


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