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The Blog

It’s Eleven Fifty Nine is a powerful series of motivational videos and articles that will change your life.
Eleven fifty-nine has the tools you need to make your dreams a reality.
Whatever’s blocking you, keeping you from living the life you deserve, will fall in the wake of these powerful messages that go deep into your heart and soul, offering clear strategies for realizing your success potential.
Issues resolved include:
Social Anxiety
Fear of Failure and Success
Relationship Difficulties
Lack of Confidence
Plus many more …
Your obstacles will seem to magically disappear if you faithfully follow the practical, commonsense, guidance presented in 11:59.
Success is a choice, and you must say “yes.”
There’s no time to wait!
It’s 11:59 P.M.
 New? Start Here Image
Hello, and welcome to It’s 11:59 P.M. – Success Is Your Destiny. 
This blog will inspire you to realize your full emotional, intellectual, and creative potential, using positive thinking to create inner peace.
To get the most out of this blog, listen to the inspirational videos and read the articles from the newest to the oldest as it appears on the home page.
Explore, leave comments.
Take care,